Tuesday, 11 April 2017

all about me

All about me 😉
Hi I`m Ella, i`m a year 6 in Mr Gemmell`s class and I think 2017 is going to be awesome. I`m exited about going to camp.  Favorite subject is reading .My favourite animal is a dog, and I have a dog called Daisy she is very crazy. I also have a cat and a pig, my cats name is smokey and my pigs name is paddy.                                  

Ella`s reflection

My reflection
In maths this week I have enjoyed timesing big numbers and doing the times table chart. I`m also getting better with doing the family of facts every morning. I like going on Mathletics and doing RISK, Yahtzee and the area game.

In writing I liked editing and recrafting our similes and working on our slide for our learning conference.

In reading this week I enjoyed going to the library, but I find it hard to find the right book. I also like doing book talk and rotations.

In inquiry this week I liked to set up, demonstrate and play our integrity games and start my treaty of waitangi slide and learning how to do a few things on the guitar. 

Friday, 7 April 2017

My Reflection -Ella

My Reflection
In maths this week I have enjoyed learning how to times bigger numbers and going on Mathletics, doing Yahtzee and the area game. I have also enjoyed doing the time tables and getting 100% in all of them. I`ve also know most of my times tables.

In reading this week I have enjoyed finishing Mr nobodys eyes and starting Scrap. I also enjoyed doing book talk and going  to the library, but I find it hard to find the right book.

In writing this week I enjoyed finishing off my learning conference and publishing my simile story. And writing my inquiry poster.

In inquiry this week I enjoyed filming us (Mackenzie, Te Marama and Me) speaking about the treaty of waitangi, it was really fun.