Friday, 27 October 2017

My reflection

My reflection
This week we didn't do much but on Thursday we did around the world and I got to three places and we also did twenty-five questions and I got twenty-one out of twenty-five.

In writing this week we did a short story of one of our camp experience's and I did when I was going on the rock-climbing wall. We also did letters to parents who went on camp.

The books that I got out of the library were Double fudge by Judy Blume and the book that I'm reading at home is Friday Barnes Under suspicion by R.A Sprat.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

2017 camp

2017 camp
Our first activity on day one was kayaking, luckily I have had some experience so I knew what I was doing. We had a race I came third which I was pretty happy about.

The next activity was rock-climbing and I am mortified of heights so me and rock-climbing do not go together, but Warren Shaw and Mrs Hobbs were very encouraging and said that I should only go up to the top yellow rock but I got pulled the rest of the way and started screaming my head off. Mackenzie who was very good at rock climbing, was also very encouraging and helped convince me to have another go but I only managed to get to the top yellow rock.

Scavenger hunt:
The scavenger hunt harder than I thought it was going to be but we still managed to do it in only ten minutes which was the best time. We found it hard to find the toi toi, but it was still really fun.

Raft building:
I was really exited for our group to do this because I wanted to see if our boat would sink or not, luckily it did not sink and we got our whole group on the raft after we built our raft we had extra time to play in the lake.

Slug-gun shooting:
One of the activities that I had never done before was slug-gun shooting, at first I didn't even know how to hold the gun properly, or load it, but luckily Mackenzie was there to help me because she already knew how to use a slug-gun because she has one at home. In the end I shot three ducks (fake ducks) and it was really fun.

I didn't know how to use a compass before we started orienteering and I also didn't know how to walk in a straight line with my eyes closed, but after a half an hour of practising how to use a compass I started to get the hang of it.

Mud run: 
Our next activity was the mud run which I was really exited about but also nervous, it was really fun and I kept falling over which was hilarious. Chris (Hinerangi`s dad) was really helpful, and moved all the rocks and logs out of the way so we wouldn't trip over them. At the end you have to jump into the lake and it took me and Mackenzie ages to jump in but after a long time of running up and not jumping in we finally jumped in at the same time and both got a mouthful of water, It was really fun.

Horse riding:
Horse riding was really fun, the horse that I rode was called Haley she was really mischievous and she started walking away from all the other horse's and started cantering down a steep hill and rode me into several bush's and trees. Over all horse riding was really fun and I would definately try it again.

The tough guy challenge:
The tough guy challenge was optional but we did it anyway, there was lots of obstacles and lots of mud. we still took a long time to jump in the lake but after a long time we finally bombed in and started the next obstacle which was walking across ropes and the ropes were above the mud. after the tough guy challenge we all jumped in the hot pools.

In conclusion the camp was really fun and all the activitys were amazing.